AWS IoT ButtonThe AWS IoT Button is an easy way to get started with the Internet of Things. Based on the Amazon Dash button hardware, the AWS IoT button is a developer kit that can be programmed to control internet-connected devices and services. This programmable Wi-Fi button is designed to help developers get started with AWS IoT, AWS Lambda and other Amazon Web Services.
Fast provisioning and setup
This application walks you through a few easy steps to get your IoT Button up and running: (1) Register – create the resources required for your button to send messages to AWS IoT, (2) Configure – upload security credentials to your button and connect it to your Wi-Fi network, and (3) Set button action – use lambda functions to trigger events in the cloud with the click of a button.
Easy to use- Manage multiple buttons from the home screen- Quickly reconfigure Wi-Fi for your home or office- Create a new lambda function from a blueprint or use one you developed on the AWS console- Scan the button’s barcode so you don’t need to type the Device Serial Number out by hand- Name your buttons so you never start blasting your favorite Celine Dion playlist when you really meant to show your friends a button that turns on your TV
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